Individual & Unique

The holiday homes

The homes are the essence of the 21-5 concept. The booking system, support, and everything else can be as good as it gets, but if we can't find and create the perfect holiday homes for our families, we have no reason to exist.

The composition of destinations in our owner associations is solely dictated by where we continually learn that the majority of 21-5 families want to own beautiful homes abroad.

We are therefore very grateful to note that, after acquiring almost 300 homes for our established owner associations, our families are very satisfied with their homes.

In fact, we often find that even though our families have high expectations for their homes, they are pleasantly surprised when they visit them for the first time.

Once an owner association has all homes operational, and after the photographer has been out, we create a photo book that families can have at home on their coffee tables. We also create the book electronically.

Below you can see all our existing owner associations and you can browse through all the photos.