The right gut feeling

How do we join?

Once you have either attended our webinar or read through this website and the brochure of your favorite owner association, you contact us.

To join a 21-5 owner association, we would like to meet you online. We want to do everything we can to make sure that 21-5 is right for you and that you will fit in well with a community of 20 other like-minded families.

Let us fulfill your holiday dreams

Coffee meeting

When we bring together 21 families, who don't know each other beforehand and who will own 5 holiday homes together over the next few years, it is important that we do our best not to accept the "wrong" families. We cannot accept families or individuals with a bad reputation, and we do our best to exclude families who we think may have difficulties in fitting into a community with 20 others. While extensive contact within the owner associations is not necessary, it's important that everyone has a bit "round edges" and can thrive in a community.

The coffee meeting is an opportunity to get answers to any questions you may have, and it's a form of screening for us. The vast majority of families are very welcome in our owner association. However, there have been a few who have not been able to become owners in 21-5 even though they wanted to.

Once the coffee meeting has been successfully completed, and we both wish to move forward, you will receive a reservation form to secure your place in your preferred owner association.

The first meeting with the other families

The Founding Meeting

At the founding meeting, the first families meet for the first time. All families attending the meeting have previously attended a coffee meeting with us and have signed the contract.

During the meeting, we begin by having each family introduce themselves. Everyone shares a little bit about who they are, where they come from, and what their family is like. There may be children in the family, perhaps young children who are traveling with their parents, or adult children who are looking forward to going on their own once in a while. Everyone also talks a bit about their interests and, most importantly, why they want to be part of a 21-5 owner association.

The meeting will take place online, but families are also welcome to join us in person at our office in Denmark.

One week after the founding meeting, you'll be asked to pay your share. The money is wired to the associations own bank account.

And then the work begins to find and create the five dream homes.

We will keep you updated

Ongoing updates

Once your owner association is created and the search for your five homes begins, we will keep you updated on the progress. Until all 5 homes are in use, you will receive ongoing updates so you can follow the home search, renovations, economics, and more. You will receive regular photos and videos of this exciting process.

Each owner association will have its own 21-5 blog where our communication team will post new information on an ongoing basis. It might be the the fact that the take over is final and we are ready to begin renovations im one of your homes. Or it could be pictures of our Jazz and Completion team putting the finishing touches on one of your homes.

It is important to us that you feel secure throughout the process and we believe that providing information and good communication is the way to achieve this. We will always do everything we can to ensure that you can follow the journey with a peace of mind.

We also regularly invite you to dialogue meetings so you can ask questions about anything that's going on.