Fulfill your dreams

How to finance

How will you finance the purchase of a 21-5 share?

When you buy a 21-5 share, you pay the deposit in cash to your owner association immediately after you join. In addition to the share price, you will be required to pay a deposit for 1 year's common expenses, which will remain with the group throughout your ownership of the share.

There are no loans in our owner association. All homes are purchased in cash, but as a family you can borrow from the bank to buy your share.

The lender does not have a lien on the homes - they are completely unencumbered - but the lender may have security in your share.

The vast majority of 21-5 families have their money invested elsewhere and do not need to borrow. However, if you have a good bank and a solid family financial situation, it is possible. We will be happy to assist in your talk to your bank.